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We organize the First Workshop on Foundation and Large Vision Models in Remote Sensing (MORSE) at the IEEE/CVF CVPR in collaboration with Prof. Prasad, Prof. Chanussot, Prof. Banerjee and Prof. Hong. For details, visit MORSE.

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Berlin Science Week


At the Berlin Science Week, we demonstrated EarthQube that is a system we developed to efficiently query satellite image archives. For more information, please visit:

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BigEarth News @CORDIS


The BigEarth Project, led by Prof. Dr. Demir, has been honored by CORDIS for advancing AI in remote sensing image search and retrieval. For details, visit

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Associate Editor, IEEE GRSM


Prof. Dr. Demir has been appointed as Associate Editor of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM).

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BigEarthNet v2.0


We have recently released BigEarthNet v2.0 (also known as reBEN) that is a large-scale multi-modal remote sensing dataset made up of 549,488 pairs of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image patches. For details, please visit:

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Event at Planetarium Berlin


There will be a public event 'Smart Sky: Transforming Earth Observation through AI' organized by BIFOLD and Zeiss-Großplanetarium on March 19th in conjunction with our workshop.

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Workshop in Berlin


We organize a workshop that aims to explore the emerging methods, approaches and systems in the context of Data Management and Machine Learning for Earth Observation.
Date: March 18th & 19th, 2024.

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Open PhD Positions


The BIFOLD Graduate School offers 10 PhD positions, including a position on the topics of machine learning and data management for EO to join our team. For more information, please visit this link.

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RSiM & BigEarth at IGARSS 2023


We presented 7 papers at IGARSS 2023 in Pasadena, California, USA. To read our IGARSS papers, please visit our publications page.

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We have recently released HySpecNet-11k that is a large-scale hyperspectral benchmark dataset made up of 11,483 image patches acquired by EnMAP satellite. For details, please visit:

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Summer School in Cremona


We organized a summer school on "Machine Learning and Data Fusion for Earth Observation" in Cremona, Italy in collaboration with the University of Pavia, Grenoble Institute of Technology, University of Iceland.

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Gencer Sumbul defended his PhD thesis


Gencer Sumbul successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Deep Image Representation Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Earth Observation Data Archives” on May 9th and received the distinction 'summa cum laude'. Congratulations Gencer!

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We have recently released ConfigILM that is a pytorch based library, enabling fast development of visual question answering systems. This open-source library provides a convenient implementation for seamlessly combining models from two of the most popular pytorch libraries, timm and huggingface.

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Leonard Hackel won Rolf-Niedermeier-Award


Leonard Hackel was awarded the Rolf-Niedermeier-Award for the best master thesis in Computer Engineering of TU Berlin. In his thesis, he developed lightweight transformer-based visual question answering (VQA) models for Earth observation. For details, click here.

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New Horizon Europe MSCA Project


We will host "MagicBathy - Multimodal multitAsk learninG for MultIsCale BATHYmetric mapping in shallow waters" research project funded through the HORIZON Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships for the period 2023-2025. The project aims to establish an advanced framework for low-cost shallow water mapping.

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TreeSatAI Benchmark Archive


Together with our partners within the TreeSatAI project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we released the TreeSatAI benchmark archive that is a multi-sensor, multi-label dataset for tree species classification in remote sensing.

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New Project funded by European Space Agency


RSiM is involved in a new project 'Demonstrator Precursor Digital Assistant Interface For Digital Twin Earth' funded by the European Space Agency for the period 2022-2024. In this project, we will collaborate with the e-GEOS, Italy and the University of Athens in Greece.

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New Project funded by BMWK


RSiM is involved in a new project 'EOekoLand: Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Organic Agriculture' funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action for the period 2022-2025. In this project, we will collaborate with the Thünen-Institut and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Germany.

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BigEarth @ BIFOLD


BigEarth (which was founded based on an ERC-funded project) has turned into a permanent research group (BigEarth: Big Data Analytics for Earth Observation) at the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) and will be led by Prof. Demir.

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Open PhD and Postdoctoral positions at RSiM


We are looking for Phd candidates and Postdoctoral researchers to join our team. For details, visit this link.

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Deep Earth Query: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives


Prof. Demir will give an invited talk about Deep Earth Query: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives on July 12th at 4PM (CET). If you would like to join, please register through the link.

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Invited Lecture: Advanced Urban Remote Sensing


Prof. Dr. Paolo Gamba from the University of Pavia, Italy, will visit RSiM to give an invited lecture on the week of June 13-17. For details, please visit: Advanced Urban Remote Sensing.

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ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop


Prof. Demir will give an invited talk at the 2022 ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop on March 31st. In her presentation, she will talk about "Learning from Noisy Class Labels for Earth Observation".

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Google Gift


Our group has received an unrestricted Google Gift for "Exploring research topics related to Google datasets, such as Dynamic World of Google Earth Engine and Open Buildings of Google Research.

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Berlin Science Week
1-10 Nov 2021


Prof. Demir will be one of the speakers at "The Transformative Effect of Science - A Joint Event of the Berlin University Alliance and the European Research Council", organized in the "Berlin Science Week".

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11-15 October 2021


Prof. Demir will give an invited talk at the key session 'AI4EO Learning from Earth Observation Data to Understand Our Planet' at the ESA Φ-Week.

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MACLEAN'21 - Machine Learning for Earth Observation Workshop


Prof. Demir will be one of the keynote speakers at MACLEAN workshop that will be held in conjunction with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD).

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TUB-Huawei Joint Innovation Center


Prof. Demir is one of the PIs of the recently established TU Berlin-Huawei Wireless Joint Innovation Center that is focused on innovative solutions for future Wireless Communication Systems beyond 5G.

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Learning from Noisy Labels in Remote Sensing


To reduce the negative impact of noisy land-use and land-cover annotations, we research on developing noise robust deep learning models. We have recently made public our codes on noise robust deep learning models for Earth observation at

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A New Project Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research


RSiM is involved in a new project 'TreeSatAI-Künstliche Intelligenz mit Erdbeobachtungs- und Multi-Source Geodaten für das Infrastruktur-, Naturschutz- und Waldmonitoring' funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for the period 2020-2022. The project partners are: Geoinformation in Environmental Planning Group of TU Berlin, LiveEO, LUP, DFKI and Vision Impulse.

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Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning in Geosciences


The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), organizes the International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning in Geosciences that will be held on February 20-21, 2020 in Berlin. Prof. Demir is an invited speaker and will give a talk on ‘Deep Earth Query: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives’. Further information is available here.

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The Trillion Pixel GeoAI Challenge Workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Prof. Demir was a panelist at the GeoAI workshop to discuss barriers, opportunities, and the way forward in exploiting high-resolution planetary imagery for greater societal impact. The highlight of this event was the presentations and discussions on societal AI challenges by experts from image science, computer vision, machine learning, high performance computing. Further information is available here.

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Editorial Board Membership for the MDPI Remote Sensing Journal


Prof. Demir has been appointed as a member of the editorial board of "Remote Sensing Image Processing" section for the MDPI Remote Sensing journal.

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A New Project Funded by the German Research Foundation


RSiM got a new project 'IDEAL-VGI - Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from Volunteered Geographic Information', which will be funded by the German Research Foundation for the period Oct. 2019-Oct. 2022. IDEAL-VGI is supported under the Priority Programme “Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing” [SPP 1894]).

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BigEarthNet: A New Sentinel-2 Benchmark Archive


We have made public our BigEarthNet archive that is significantly larger than the existing archives in remote sensing and opens up promising directions to advance research for the analysis of large-scale remote sensing image archives.

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Editorial Board Membership for IEEE GRSL


Prof. Dr. Demir has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

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2018 Early Career Award for Prof. Demir


Prof. Demir is the recipient of the prestigious “2018 Early Career Award” presented by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). IEEE GRSS founded in 1962 is the most important international scientific society in the field of geosciences and remote sensing. Factors considered for assigning the award are: quality, the significance and impact of contributions, papers published in archival journals, papers presented at conferences and symposia, a demonstration of leadership, and advancement of the profession.

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New Starting at TU Berlin


The President, Prof. Dr. Thomsen welcomed all newly appointed professors at TU Berlin.

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ERC Funded BigEarth Project Has Officially Started at TU Berlin


Prof. Dr. Begüm Demir moved with her BigEarth project from Italy to the TU Berlin. BigEarth is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, and it aims to develop a scalable and accurate Earth Observation (EO) image search and retrieval system for an accurate and fast discovery of crucial information for observing Earth from Big EO Archives.